On the occasion of the last Tasting, the wines of 70 participating companies were analyzed. Encouraging results also thanks to the support of FoodMicroTeam.

This is the outcome of the sample analyzes carried out on 70 wines from the companies participating in the last Tasting , held at the Margraf showroom in Gambellara (Vicenza) from 13 to 15 April.

In fact, for 15 years the Natural Viticulturists Association has been carrying out in-depth studies assessments of the work of each member, with the aim of monitoring compliance. A careful and responsible project which represents the most important self-analysis undertaken so far by a group of winemakers and which has led over time to a positive comparison between them. ​

“This research is a concrete declination of our desire to make wines according to nature but always supported by science, respecting the territory, the vine and natural cycles – explains Angiolino Maule , President of VinNatur -. As required by our production protocol, this year too we have implemented a specific control plan, with the aim of guaranteeing the fundamental characteristic of our members' wine: balanced, made according to natural methods and with the lowest quantity of sulfur dioxide possible ”.
​These checks are part of the path that each winemaker agrees to undertake to join the VinNatur Association.

“On the occasion of the 19th edition of VinNatur Tasting we randomly examined samples from a third of the wineries participating in the event – ​​continues Maule –. We can declare ourselves satisfied with the outcome of the analyses, which revealed how our winemakers believe in the importance of operating clearly in the vineyard and in the cellar, with the utmost respect for final consumers".

The residual analyses, carried out by the Vassanelli Lab laboratory in Bussolengo (Verona), involved the search for 388 active pesticide ingredients, i.e. all those authorized for the wine sector and those prohibited from 2000 to today. Among the 70 wines analyzed only one has some traces inside it. Although these are not significant levels, further investigations will be carried out at the company. Half of the samples examined have quantities of total sulfur dioxide lower than 10 mg/litre , while the remaining are below the values ​​envisaged in the VinNatur protocol (30 mg/litre for red wines, 50 mg/litre for whites, sparkling and rosés). ​

The collaboration with FoodMicroTeam , an academic spin-off of the University of Florence which has supported some VinNatur member companies in the cellar since 2013, also contributed to the achievement of these important results. With them a new project will begin in the coming months which will consist of microbiological analyzes on wines in fermentation and storage , with the aim of avoiding the onset of defects and alterations in these production phases.
