The complete manual for applying the biodynamic agricultural method to the vineyard has been released for Terra Nuova Edizioni. Adriano Zago the author; with a preface by Carlo Petrini.

“Those who work on the land with passion and true knowledge know that the concepts of biodiversity, health and balance of ecosystems must be preserved both outside the land and inside. This care and attention that biodynamics places on the subsoil is certainly a way to pursue to restore the damage that we have caused to planet Earth with our own hands. This is why thinking of drawing up a practical manual on biodynamic viticulture is certainly a winning move. Giving the opportunity, even to the most skeptical, to experience first-hand what biodynamic agriculture actually is, on which practices (as well as philosophical concepts) it is based, gives the possibility to change your mind - and therefore your reputation - to those who have not yet it has learned its full value by sinning, precisely, of superficiality”.

Thus Carlo Petrini, gastronome, sociologist and founder of Slow Food, writes in his preface to the Manual of biodynamic viticulture authored by Adriano Zago , consultant agronomist, oenologist and trainer. The manual has just been released by Terra Nuova Edizioni.

In this book Adriano Zago has condensed twenty years of work, experiences and intuitions "in the field", which have allowed him to develop a personal vision of the highest level of the application of biodynamics to viticulture, shared with the partners who work with him for the consultancy to companies and with a national and international work team.

The manual contains a part dedicated to the strategy - from which everything begins - and then focuses on the description of the practical and operational processes of an agronomic, oenological and organizational nature, with a central focus on the multifunctional agricultural organism: it is precisely this multifunctionality, the polyculture , argues Zago, which provides a precise identity to the company, defining its contours and its ability to be an interpreter of a specific terroir. Then there are experiences, testimonials, information and suggestions that enrich and make this guide unique, accompanied by splendid photographs.

It is a tool that is aimed at the world of winemakers, but also at all those who want a concrete, measurable and practical approach to the issues that revolve around the biodynamic method in viticulture.

A work that lends itself to a global corporate vision, thanks also to the contributions of numerous experts in the field, who have supported Zago on topics such as scientific research, phytosanitary defence, analysis models, marketing and business economics.

The manual is available in bookstores, on the Terra Nuova website and on all major online book-selling platforms.
