Brachetto, Trebbiano, you will also discover less known varieties: Pignolo ol 'Erbaluce.
They are all native vines in the large and complex panorama of the variety in Italy.

But what does native vine? It is a grape variety grown and spread in the same historic area of ??origin of the grape itself.
One of its hallmarks is essential not to have been transplanted from other areas.
The authenticity, the shape and color of the bunch, the grain, the leaves give the wine some unique organoleptic characteristics that are a priceless treasure to produce quality in Italy.
In the large and complex universe of Italian viticulture, the cultivation and protection of native vines is taken for the creation of high-quality products, a name guaranteed that allow you to rediscover and unique flavors and can fight the 'importation of wines and also counteract the spread of low-cost wines that enhance the Italian wines.
In Italy there are about 350 indigenous varieties, all Italian agricultural regions have a list of local grape varieties.

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Small bibliography

-AA.VV. - The vineyards of Italy, Edizioni Barzanti 1990

-AA.VV. - Encyclopedia of Italian wines, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano 1998

-AA.VV. - Italian wine, Italian Association of Sommeliers Edizioni, Milan 2002

-Native Vines (Italian Native Vines): Witness to the Past and Protagonists of the Future

-Vinoè - Italian Native Vines, Journey through Italy wine to discover the lesser-known native varieties, Year of publication: 2003, Editions Gribaudo
