21th edition of the national tasting oils and organic wines reviews: at Festambinete of Legambiente awarded the best national organic wines and oils. Here's a sample of the winners.

Among the many excellent wines and oils from all over Italy, 52 have won national recognition as Italian products of 2012at Festambiente 2012, the feast of Legambinete.

From every region of Italy arrived high quality companies and products awarded by Legambiente in Tuscany Maremma.

The award ceremony of the 21th edition of the national tasting oils and organic wines Reviews took place at Festambiente, the national festival of Legambiente, in the Natural Park of Maremma. The selection was based on cultural and food-and wine excellence of Italy. The Review was divided into and organic extra virgin oils. Realities of from the North to South of Italy have been enhanced. A panel of experts for the oil and a committee chaired by Professor Giancarlo Scalabrelli, University of Pisa, and consisting of winemakers, Ais sommeliers and experts in the field , as regards the review of organic wines. Here's a sample of the winners: - farm La Cappuccina of Costalunga of Monteforte d'Alpone (VR) - farm Saladini Pilastri of Spinetoli (AP) -The Morellino of Scansano of the Poggio Trevvalle of Campagnatico (GR) -The dessert wine ofn the farm Bulichella of Suvereto (LI).

The winning farms have been awarded during Festambiente, the national festival of Legambiente at the presence of journalists, professionals and visitors of the Festival.

The national organic wines and local extra virgin oils Exhibition combine with the thought of Legambiente and the food and wine of its Center, which has a fundamental role in Festambiente, which always engages in the distribution and promotion of promoting typical and organic food dishes, seal of quality products

Now let's see in detail some awards for each of the two Reviews.

National organic wines review: the winners For the exhibition the committee was chaired by prof. Giancarlo Scalabrelli, Professor of Viticulture dip. Cultivation of the University of Pisa, and a panel of experts. Among the winners for 2012 are: -Falerio Colli Ascolani Doc 2011, by Saladini Pillars of Spinetoli (white), Fontego-Soave Doc 2011 de La Cappuccina Costalunga of Monteforte d'Alpone (white), -La Raia Gavi DOCG 2010 reserves of farm La Raia in Novi Ligure (white), -Bucchero Maremma Toscana IGT 2010 Fattoria Il Ciliegiolo Duchesco Alberese (young red) Treviso-IGT Merlot 2011 of the farm Giol of San Polo di Piave (young red) Coldipietrerosse-Val di Cornia DOC 2009 of the farm The Bulichella Suvereto (red or uncured), Larcille-reserve DOCG 2008 Morellino of Poggio Trevvalle of Campagnatico (red or uncured), -Sfiziale Aleatico Toscano IGT dell'Az. Agr. Bulichella Suvereto (dessert wines), -Sat
