The "Città dell’Olio" Association is 20 years old now and great celebrations are expected. We begin in Larino, Molise, where on December 17th, 1994, it was founded. There will be conferences, competitions and tastings.

On December 17th, Larino hosted the start of the celebrations for the anniversary of the founding of the "Città dell’Olio" Association. In this town, home to three varieties of native olive trees out of the 18 varieties grown in Molise, on December 17th, 1994, the "Città dell’Olio" Association was created with only 27 municipalities, two provinces and three Chambers of Commerce.

The celebrations for the 20 years of "Città dell’Olio"

The conference in Larino

There are many initiatives for the twenty years including the conference "From 1994 to 2014 ... from Larino twenty years of Future", scheduled for December 19th in the council chamber of the Palazzo Ducale. The conference will provide an opportunity to participate in a discussion on prospects and problems of the olive sector, in a year like that of 2014 characterized by a significant reduction in production, also in view of the important appointment with Expo 2015 in Milan.

"Olio in Corto": the awards

At the conclusion of the conference there will be the finals of the "Olio in Corto" competition organized in collaboration with MoliseCinema. The competition involved young filmmakers from all over Italy during the operations of harvesting, milling and processing of olives. You will attend the screening of short films and of the finalist spot advertisements and their prize–giving. The occasion will be appetizing, with tasting tables of monocultivar oils from Molise and a guide to the tasting of extra virgin olive oil by Arsiam experts.

Much awaited, the intervention of Pasquale di Lena, pioneer of a project that involved over the years the whole Italy of oil.

"Venolea": meetings and celebrations

The festival will continue in Venafro with "Venolea": on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st the extra virgin olive oil and the olive–growing landscape will be celebrated. Here, the "Patriarchs of Nature in Italy" exhibition at the Archaeological Museum of Piazza Merola will be inaugurated and the Christmas market of taste and craftsmanship will be opened in collaboration with the Slow Food Alto Molise, Olea Mediterranean, La Bottega and Retired Firemen associations.

On 21st December the party will move to the regional Park of the Olive in Venafro for entertainment with stories and music of the folk tradition and a tasting.