Bio Di Vino, this year, will have a precise recognition within the Mayor's Choice 2013.
Organic wine is gaining increasing importance in the frame of national wine production, also as a consequence of the approval of the European Regulation which regulates the production and promotion of organic wines. Just think that the cultivation of organic vineyards currently cover about 52,000 hectares, with Sicily in first place (15,000 hectares), then Puglia (8,000), Toscana (5,000), Abruzzo (4,000) and Marche (3000). Italy is the world leader in the production and export of organic wines. Only recently Spain is developing in this sense. Our country has had great increasing of organic products in recent years, from almost 37,000 hectares in 2007, to more than 40,000 in 2008, to over 43,000 in 2009. Until, of course, to about 52,000 in 2011 (data by SINAB).
In this context of a gradual achievement Bio Di Vino is a competition that has accompanied the development of organic and biodynamic wines. The collaboration between Bio Di Vino and Mayor's Choice, which took place six years ago, has allowed the creation of a context in which the wines were judged regardless of the production method. "Bio Di Vino suggests the place at the table of organic wines, in a kitchen where most of the products come from organic farms. - Serafini says - The competition Bio Di Vino shows us "sensible experiences and necessary demonstrations " in the recovery of by-products, in energy savings. It opens your eyes on green architecture and innovation, on the quality of workplaces. Bio Di Vino urges us to improve every day, with a vigilant eye on the value of the land. Finally, said in simple words: there is no a Bio Di Vino of the wealthies and one of the poors, there is only one Bio Di Vino. "
Organic wines that want to participate in the competition Bio Di Vino must be in possession of the "certificate of conformity" and must indicate on the label the subjection to EC Regulation 834/07, for the harvest prior to 2012, or to Regulation 203/12 for the 2012 harvest.
"The Bio Di Vino competition shows exemplary experiences of companies trying to satisfy as much as possible a wide range of demanding consumers - the President of City of Bio, Claudio Serafini, says - with an enterprising philosophy oriented towards organic farming, nature and environment. Finally, the new European regulation of 2012 extends the rules on organic farming of the EU and strengthens the position of the European organic wines at international level, because many other wine-producing countries (USA, Chile, Australia, South Africa) have already enacted laws for organic wines. "