I take the liberty of contacting you regarding the possibility of renting your cellar on weekends, in particular on Saturdays and Sundays for a renewable year!

In recent years, wine tourism has experienced significant growth, becoming an increasingly important aspect of the Italian wine industry. However, we realized that many wineries remain closed precisely on the days when food and wine tourism is most active.

We are aware of the challenges this sector faces and the added value that wine tourism can bring to wineries. It is for this reason that we are looking to expand our options to offer memorable experiences to our customers on weekends.

Given your prestige and reputation in the sector, we believe that your winery could be an ideal destination for our customers interested in discovering your wines and your territory.

We would like to discuss with you the possibility of renting your cellar for Saturdays and Sundays, so that we can offer tasting experiences and guided tours to our customers during the weekend.

We are certain that this collaboration can bring mutual benefits, increasing the flow of visitors to your winery and offering them a unique experience in your wonderful context.

I remain available to arrange a meeting or to discuss the details of this proposal. Thank you in advance for your attention and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
