Wine Idea's wine news for October 16, 2024!

  • 15/10/2024

Today's wine news

Welcome to Wine Idea's wine news for October 16, 2024!

1. Red grape prices, Coldiretti: “They do not repay the efforts of the year”

Coldiretti Piacenza reported the data of the recent prices of red grapes. Despite the rising prices for Gutturnio (20%), Barbera (23%) and Bonarda (32%), they do not cover the costs related to a difficult year marked by the climate. The director Roberto Gallizioli complains that these increases are not enough to compensate for the production losses and the growing costs of agronomic defense.

2. Uncertainties about the CAP worry Tuscan farmers

Marco Neri, president of Confagricoltura Toscana, expressed strong concerns about the third proposed amendment to the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027, with imminent sowing and lack of clarity on the new regulations introduced by the Ministerial Decree of 28 June.

3. Moncaro begins distribution in Japan, Vietnam and USA

The Moncaro winery has restarted its bottling lines after harvesting 20,000 quintals of grapes. The wine will be exported to international markets such as Japan, Vietnam and the United States, marking an important step for the company.

4. The Paraschos winery and its first Tre Bicchieri

The Paraschos winery, located in Collio, has obtained the prestigious Tre Bicchieri award for the Collio Friulano Kaj Riserva 2021. Founded by Evangelos Paraschos, the winery produces high-quality "natural" wines, described by his son Alexis.

5. Unprecedented protests in Languedoc

French winemakers in Languedoc are protesting against a crisis that combines drought, bureaucracy and collapsed prices. After an initial demonstration at the beginning of the year, young farmers resumed their mobilization on October 10, marching towards Carcassonne.

6. Gambero Rosso launches the first OTT platform on food and wine debuts, an on-demand platform dedicated to the world of food & wine. With content ranging from recipes to travel reports, the platform aims to become the reference point for food and wine lovers.

7. Success for Morbegno in Cantina 2024

The Morbegno in Cantina event ended with over 15 thousand visitors, confirming its success thanks to a large participation and a festive atmosphere. The organizers are very satisfied with the results achieved.

8. Tenuta Gorghi Tondi protagonist on Sky Arte

The fourth season of BEVI stops in Sicily, at Tenuta Gorghi Tondi, located in a nature reserve protected by the WWF. The Sala sisters, who manage the winery, have continued a winemaking tradition of four generations.

9. San Leonardo is the Cellar of the Year for Gambero Rosso

The historic San Leonardo winery was awarded "Winery of the Year" by the Gambero Rosso Guide 2025. The Guerrieri Gonzaga family has been at the helm of this renowned estate for over 300 years, maintaining an international level of wine quality.

10. Spèra di Siddùra is the best Vermentino in Italy

Vermentino Spèra from the Siddùra winery won the Vermentino Award 2024, reconfirming Sardinia as a point of reference for this grape variety. The DOCG Vermentino di Gallura is the only one at a national level, confirming the quality of Sardinian grapes.

11. Slow Wine awards Sardinia with 5 Snails

Five Sardinian wineries have obtained the highest recognition in the Slow Wine 2025 guide, a symbol of "good, clean and fair". This confirms the island's winemaking excellence, which has increased compared to the previous year.

12. Verdicchio di Matelica enters the cellar of Wip Pizza and Burger

The Belisario winery, awarded as Best Cooperative Winery 2025 by Gambero Rosso, recently welcomed representatives from Wip Pizza and Burger, who praised the Verdicchio di Matelica Riserva DOCG 2021, including it in their wine list.

13. Stevie Kim, a female innovator in the world of wine

Stevie Kim, managing partner of Vinitaly and creator of events such as Opera Wine , talks about her career and innovations in the field of wine communication, with a focus on US markets.

14. Counterfeit wine in Burgundy: 6 arrests

Italian law enforcement has arrested six people involved in the counterfeiting of fine French wines, sold as Burgundy and Bordeaux at exorbitant prices, with fake labels and corks.

15. Growth for the low-alcohol wine market

Low-alcohol wines are growing rapidly abroad, with a 16% increase in global sales. However, Italy lags behind France and Spain in this emerging segment.

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