The wine news for Wednesday 26 June 2024!

  • 25/06/2024

Wine news for wine lovers.

Sparkling wine on the rise, Bonarda is doing poorly, Buttafuoco is "holding".

According to the annual market analysis carried out by Valoritalia, the trends in the Doc and Docg denominations confirm the growth of the sparkling wine market. On the contrary, Bonarda is going through a difficult period, while Buttafuoco maintains a stable position.

The "maman" of Barolo and gangmastering in the Langhe

The "maman" of Barolo are women at the head of individual businesses who recruit illegal labourers. The Asti prosecutor's office is investigating accusations of blackmailing workers and exploitation of labour. The laborers arrive in Italy by sea or hidden in containers and often find refuge in temporary reception facilities.

The Women of Wine in Pesaro for the conference on wine tourism with Councilor Antonini

On Saturday morning in Pesaro, in the setting of Palazzo Ducale, the conference "The new frontiers of wine, between culture, tourism and well-being" was held, promoted by the National Association of Women of Wine and the Marche delegation. Councilor Andrea Maria Antonini responded to Donatella Cinelli Colombini's provocation, underlining the potential of the Marche region.

Revolutionize weeding: now you can

The use of synthetic products for weed control, although it increases agricultural productivity, has negative effects on soil health and reduces biodiversity. The overall balance is therefore negative due to environmental damage and resistance to treatments.

The Bay of Sistiana meets the Collio: evening of wines and music

On Friday 28 June, in Duino Aurisina, the 60th birthday of the Collio Wine Protection Consortium will be celebrated with a tasting of the best Collio wines accompanied by a DJ set. The "Collio & The Beach" event will offer a food and wine tour with white wines such as Ribolla Gialla and Pinot Grigio.

The red wine of Upper Piedmont: Lessona

Mario Soldati describes Lessona wine as "pure spirit" in his pages of "Vino al vino" from 1968. This prestigious Piedmontese red obtained the DOC in 1977, confirming its historical fame and associated prestige.

Pavia, wine adulterated with diglycerin: six sent to trial

Six people involved in the investigation by the Pavia Prosecutor's Office for the alleged alteration of wine with cyclic diglycerin have been sent to trial. The decision was made yesterday by judge Luisella Perulli during the pre-trial hearing.

A rosé from the Marche region among the best in the world

Stefano Antonucci's Sensuade rosé achieved second place in the Wine Pleasures ranking, with a score of '95 Gold'. This recognition rewards a project born by chance, which uses exclusively Marche grapes.

In Maremma the Ampeleia winery opens an agricultural restaurant

The Ampeleia winery, founded by Elisabetta Foradori, Giovanni Podini and Thomas Widmann, celebrates 20 years of producing atypical wines. Their wine project, born in a refuge in the Dolomites, found its ideal place in Roccatederighi.

Arnaldo Caprai Cantina: an example of cohesion and competition

The Arnaldo Caprai Winery will receive a significant recognition on June 28th in Mantua during the Symbola Foundation Summer Seminar. The company was awarded for its commitment to the integration of political refugees.

A weekend between wine and landscapes: discover the Vogadori winery in Negrar di Valpolicella

On the weekend of 29 and 30 June, the Vogadori winery will open its doors to visitors for a unique experience in Negrar di Valpolicella. Visitors will be able to take part in guided tours and tastings, immersing themselves in the flavors and winemaking traditions of Valpolicella.

Festival of Calanchi and Blue Clays at the Cantina Bulzaga in Brisighella

On Thursday 27 June, the Festival of Calanchi and Argille Azzurre, curated by the Carlo Zauli Museum, will host Independent Poetry with the poem “Beginnings & Other Tragedies / Beginnings and Other Tragedies” by Ilaria Boffa. The performance will see the participation of Beatrice Achille, Ilaria Boffa, Martina Campi, Allison Grimaldi Donahue and Monica Guerra, with music by Mario Sboarina.

Essi Avellan awarded as Expert 2024 by the Bollicine del Mondo guide

Essi Avellan, Finland's first Master of Wine and authoritative expert on sparkling wines and champagne, was awarded Expert of the Year by the Bollicine del Mondo guide. Avellan, author and trainer, began her career as a buyer for a shipping company and then dedicated herself to studying and writing about sparkling wines.

Borgomanero, appointment with a picnic in the vineyard

On Sunday 30 June, the Pidrin winery in Borgomanero will host a picnic in the vineyard. The event, organized by Cantina Pidrin and Phenomenon, offers good wine, food and music at 30 euros per adult and 20 euros per child. Reservation required due to limited places. For information: 0322.862870. In case of bad weather, the event will be postponed.

The future of Italian cuisine and its relationship with wine

At Gennarino Esposito's "Festa a Vico", star chefs, sommeliers, Masters of Wine and wine producers discussed the future of Italian cuisine and wine. Among the participants: Gennarino Esposito, Davide Oldani, Giancarlo Morelli, Claudio Sadler, Emanuele Scarello, Giovanni Piezzo, Gabriele Gorelli and Ernst Loosen.

Wine: Sweetness scale labels attract new consumers

A Penn State School of Hospitality Management study found that labels with a visual sweetness scale increase purchase intent among new consumers. Visual scales facilitate product understanding and stimulate purchasing interest compared to textual descriptions.

The oldest liquid wine in history discovered in Spain

The world's oldest liquid wine, dating back around 2,000 years, was discovered in Carmona, Spain. The wine, found in a funerary urn, was analyzed by researchers from the University of Cordoba, proving to be an exceptional discovery for wine history.

Tedeschi reveals the secret of Valpolicella wines

A study commissioned by Tedeschi Wines has scientifically characterized the aromatic imprint of Valpolicella wines. The four main olfactory dimensions identified are fruity, balsamic, spicy/peppery and sweet spicy, explaining the aromatic differences of wines produced in different vineyards.

Etna Doc Consortium: fewer bottles to increase quality and market value

The Consortium for the Protection of Etna Doc Wines has decided to limit production to support quality and market positioning. From 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2027, the maximum annual limit will be 50 hectares of new plants that can be registered.

Italian wine declining in '23: denominations suffer

Cristina Bargagli, fourth generation at the helm of Cantina Provveditore in Scansano, highlights the difficulties facing Italian appellations in 2023. Despite the beautiful land, stable climate conditions and favorable soils, the decline in sales is a significant problem.

The first agrivoltaic organic wine was born in Puglia

In Gioia del Colle, in Puglia, the first community agrivoltaic vineyard was inaugurated, where the vine is grown under photovoltaic panels. This innovative project combines organic wine production with renewable energy, offering agronomic, economic and social benefits.

Alcohol consumption mapped in Europe: wine is preferred in Italy

A study published in Addiction mapped alcohol consumption patterns in Europe from 2000 to 2019. Italy, France, Greece, Portugal and Sweden are identified as wine-drinking countries, with wine predominantly consumed over beer and other alcohol.

Oenological history and competitions on today's wines

Carlo Pazzagli, historian and scholar of the rural sector, has analyzed the quality of Tuscan wines since the beginning of the 19th century. His imaginary journey through Tuscany highlights the wine excellences of regions such as Pomino, Greve in Chianti and Lamole.

Trentino: review of the Müller Thurgau in Val di Cembra

From 28 to 30 June, Val di Cembra will host the 37th edition of the Müller Thurgau: Mountain Wine event. The event will offer tastings of 60 Müller Thurgau labels and other local productions, with a rich program of initiatives at Palazzo Maffei.

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