The wine news for Thursday 27 June 2024!

  • 26/06/2024

oenological news for wine lovers.

The Digital Label for Wineries, Cellars and Bottlers

The new legislation, in force from 1 January 2023, requires mandatory labeling of packaging to facilitate collection and recycling. From 1 January 2024, it will be necessary to include ingredients, nutritional declaration, presence of allergens and calories per 100 ml on wine bottle labels.

French wine is in crisis, Champagne and Corsica are holding up: the bottom line according to local brokers

French wine is in crisis, with the exception of Champagne and Corsica. At the 78th Congress of the Fédération Nationale des Syndicats de Courtiers en Vins et Spiritueux de France, brokers confirmed that the market is dynamic and has doubled compared to the complex 2023 harvest.

The “Chianti Classico Sustainability Manifesto” arrives

Presented during the Consortium's Centenary celebrations, the Chianti Classico Sustainability Manifesto includes 57 rules divided into three macro-areas: environmental, social and cultural sustainability. The Consortium aims to make it a certified sustainability specification.

"There is a risk that Vitovska will be eaten by the Prosecco Consortium"

Matej Skerlj, president of the Karst-Kras Winegrowers' Association, expresses concern about Vitovska, an ancient native white grape variety. The “Sea and Vitovska in Morje” event promotes Vitovska, the territory and the collaboration between local companies and restaurants.

“Sustainable Agricultural Company”: new brand for ethical and sustainable businesses

The Ionian-Adriatic Green Community presented the "Sustainable Agricultural Company" brand to guarantee the regularity of workers and the quality of agri-food products, reducing the use of synthetic chemicals and rationalizing fertilization.

From Testarossa to Dosage Zero, the Milan to drink has its new bubbles

La Versa, a historic brand from the Oltrepò Pavese, has relaunched new labels such as Testarossa, Blanc de Blancs and Dosage Zero, which will be on sale from July, aiming to become the favorites of the Milanese.

Italian restaurants with the best wine list. The Wine Spectator ranking

Wine Spectator has awarded 96 restaurants around the world, including six Italian, with the Grand Award. Two Italian novelties, Cannavacciuolo Le Cattedrali in Asti and Osteria del Viandante in Rubiera, received the Best of Award of Excellence.

The 8 best Carmignano chosen by Gambero Rosso

Tuscany confirms its primacy with 89 Tre Bicchieri in the Gambero Rosso Guide. The finalist wines, with Due Bicchieri rosso, are 327, confirming the dynamism and deep connection with the territory.

Britain's largest winery could be sold

English sparkling wine producer Chapel Down is seeking funding for its growth plan, including the sale and investment in new vineyards and a new winery operational by 2026.

Cantina Valle Isarco presents its unique wine: “Refined in the granite blocks of our territories”

Granit 960 will be available on July 1st, a Kerner refined in a granite tank from the Isarco Valley. Produced in 1,000 bottles, of which only 500 are on sale, it represents the quintessence of the valley's terroir.

Decanter World Wine Awards 2024, six Italian labels among the best wines in the world

Six Italian labels received the title of “Best in the show” at the Decanter World Wine Awards, entering the list of the 50 best wines in the world.

The Pizzolato winery presents the new 'Souvenir' line

The Pizzolato winery launches the new line of 'Souvenir' wines for the Horeca and international market, composed of three still wines (Pinot Grigio, Pinot Grigio Rosato and Pinot Noir) and one sparkling (Fronte Mare Bianco), all certified organic and vegan.

QUIDQUID presents the wine news for Thursday 27 June 2024!

The wines of the Bolla winery come on board Italo

From July to October 2024, the wines of Cantina Bolla will be served on board Italo trains and in the Italo Club Lounges of Milan, Florence and Rome stations. This partnership is part of the "Italian Winery for Italo" project and aims to offer an exclusive environment to Club Executive, Prima Business and Platinum customers, enhancing Made in Italy.

Paris 2024: the 29 symbolic wineries selected at Casa Italia

Casa Italia in Paris 2024 will host a selection of 29 wineries with 16 red wines, 10 white wines and 6 rosés, representing the main Italian denominations. This selection, curated by chef Davide Oldani, celebrates 40 years since the birth of Casa Italia as a hospitality house in the Olympic world.

The winemaking tradition enhanced in Valconca with music and tastings

The Fiammetta a Croce di Monte Colombo agricultural and agritourism company, founded in 1964 by Benito Piva, continues to pass on winemaking traditions. With a production of high quality organic wines, the company represents a point of reference in the Valconca.

Cantina Arnaldo Caprai wins the “Cohesion is Competition” award

On June 28, at the Bibiena Scientific Theater in Mantua, the Arnaldo Caprai agricultural company will receive the "Cohesion is Competition" award during the Symbola Foundation Summer Seminar. The event, dedicated to the theme "We are the times", calls for responsibility in cultural, economic and social choices.

Wine by the glass

The Ercoli family in Rome, with the historic Ercoli 1928 shop, is a point of reference for lovers of good food and wine. The shop offers a varied selection of wines that enhance the flavors of the raw materials, maintaining a balance between tradition and innovation.

UK, wine is serious: here is the Manifesto for Growth and the Report on enonauts by WineGB

WineGB has launched the Growth Manifesto and Wine Tourism Report 2024, reflecting the growth of the UK wine industry, up 74% in five years. The association represents over 450 producers, with 3,928 hectares of vineyards, mainly in Kent, Sussex and Hampshire.

The oldest wine in the world discovered in Spain: it is 2000 years old

A group of researchers has discovered the oldest wine in the world in Spain, still liquid after over 2000 years. Found in a funerary urn in Carmona, the wine was analyzed and confirmed as such by scholars at the University of Cordoba, with results published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

“Pellegrini del Vino”: the compelling podcast by Pellegrini SpA that talks about wine

Pellegrini SpA launches the podcast “Pellegrini del Vino”, a journey through the Italian wine regions, from the Langhe to the Maremma, up to Etna. Each episode, hosted by journalist Laura Donadoni, explores the stories of the producers of the Pellegrini catalogue.

A wine for each Region: the "third time" at Casa Italia

Casa Italia in Paris 2024 will offer a selection of 32 Italian wines, representing all regions. This tradition, which began at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, celebrates Italian wine excellence within the Azzurri's hospitality house.

The New York Times manifesto in defense of wine: "It is not just an alcoholic drink, but much more"

The New York Times published the article "In defense of wine", which supports the cultural importance of wine and criticizes the absolute ban on alcohol. The article highlights how wine, if consumed in moderation, can enrich life and represent conviviality and sharing.

Marco Simonit at “Vine to Mind: Decanting Wine's Future with Data Science & AI” held at Harvard University in Boston

Marco Simonit participated as a speaker at the “Vine to Mind” symposium at Harvard University, where the future of viticulture through the integration of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence was discussed.

The Serprino Festival 2024 is underway

The Serprino Festival, organized by the Consortium for the Protection of Wines of the Euganean Hills, will be held from 3 to 15 July with over 20 events between wineries, museums and prestigious locations such as the Castello del Catajo. The event celebrates the native white Serprino and involves several cities awaiting UNESCO recognition for the Euganean Hills Regional Park.

Terre d'Oltrepò, revolution in 11 months: from maxi winery to industrial group

In 11 months, Terre d'Oltrepò has gone from a social winery to an industrial wine hub. With a new five-year industrial plan, the company is moving towards becoming a structured holding, enhancing the territory through transparency and skills, led by CEO Umberto Callegari.

Thanks for listening, we remind you that today's wine press review was offered by QUIDQUID.

See you tomorrow.




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